France Foncier +

In collaboration with

Economic land available
on a national scale!
With France Foncier +, Cerema and Banque des Territoires are joining forces to meet the needs of economic development
and the challenges of Zero Net Artificialisation (ZAN).
Companies, are you looking for available land to meet your needs?
Local authorities, are you looking to monitor, manage and develop economic land and attract
economic projects to your area, while at the same time keeping land artificialisation under control?
The France Foncier + portal is a national, regional system that is constantly updated. It provides an inventory of
available economic land, contextualised across the whole of France, and structures the knowledge base around
Let’s speed up the reindustrialisation of our regions!

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Our missions

Public expertise for the ecological transition and territorial cohesion
Cerema, a public body under the authority of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, supports the State and local authorities in the development, deployment and assessment of public policies on development and transport.

A bank serving the public interest
Banque des Territoires supports public and private players in carrying out their public-interest projects, offering advice, loans, equity investments, consignments and banking services.
With our partners